Cubs at home

Updated: 19/04/2020

Do your best
Thursday 23rd April is St George’s Day, a special day in the Scouting calendar as Saint George is patron saint of scouting.
To quote Baden-Powell: “All Scouts should know his story. St. George was typical of what a Scout should be. When he was faced by a difficulty or danger, however great it appeared, even in the shape of a dragon – he did not avoid it or fear it but went at it with all the power he could. That is exactly the way a Scout should face a difficulty or danger no matter how great or how terrifying it may appear. He should go at it boldly and confidently, using every power that he can to try and overcome it, and the probability is that he will succeed.”
So this week we’d like the Cubs to think about a time when they did their best and how they have kept the Cub promise and law
Cubs can decide how they explain this to us, they may wish to write a letter, draw a picture or storyboard or record a video/audio clip. 
This activity counts towards the Cub World Challenge (part 5). 
We also encouraged Cubs to renew their promise as some point during the 23rd April, you may have seen this suggestion shared on social media. 

Raise a smile
We are asking all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts to draw a picture, write a poem, or short letter and send it to Bubbles (beaver leader) at the address sent in email (19th April).
Bubbles will then send them to two local nursing homes. The pictures/ letters will be shared with residents and displayed in their windows helping to raise a smile or two during these challenging times. 
If we get lots, we’ll also send some to Chichester fire station and police station. 
Email us a photo/ upload to OSM and this will count towards the Cub Artist badge or Skills Challenge – depending what is created/ which is needed most.
Please ensure your child only writes their ‘first name’ and ‘1st Barnham Cubs’ on their picture/letter.
We are happy for siblings to join in with this, but once again only first names and age should be included in the picture/ letter.

Easter Monsters
Time to get creative!  Using Easter egg packaging, other items from your household recycling bin and any art and craft materials you already have at home, cubs are challenged to make an Easter Monster. This can either be a 2D picture or 3D model, we’ll leave that up to you! Give your monster a name, think about what it eats, where it lives and what it likes to do.
This activity counts towards the Cub Artist activity badge. 

Jamboree on the Internet
Take part in this weekend’s (3rd to 5th April) special edition of Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI).
To complete the activity, Cubs and parents will need read the Be Safe Online section of the JOTI website.
After you have read this, explore the JOTI campsite and try to speak to at least one scout from a different country. You should find out about a scouting activity from a different country or find out something different about scouting in that country. Tell us about who you spoke to and what you found out in evidence. Cubs should also let us know as part of the evidence the name of the adult who did this with them.
This activity counts towards the Cub Communicator Activity Badge (Part 5).

Bagheera challenges you to make up a creative story using the 15 random words in this instruction sheet.
This activity counts towards the Cubs Entertainer Activity Badge.

Investigating your pulse!
You will need: a stop watch (or a watch with a second hand), pencil and paper.
Taking your pulse measures how fast your heart is beating. Each time your heart beats it pushes blood through the arteries which you can feel as a pulse in your wrist.
How to take your pulse: The easiest place to find your pulse is on your wrist. With your arm bent at the elbow, hold your hand out with the palm up. Using your other hand, place your first two fingers together lightly on the inside of your wrist, over the vein (about where you would wear your watch). If you can’t feel your pulse, move your fingers around gently as you might not be quite over the vein. Once you have found your pulse, you need to count how many times it beats in one minute. Get a friend, sibling or parent to use the stop watch and time 30 seconds, whilst you concentrate on counting the beats. Then times the number of beats by two to find out how many beats there are in one minute. This is your resting pulse rate.
Next, run around for five or ten minutes. You need to exercise quite hard until you start to breathe more heavily. You can do this after any activities or sport you may be involved with.
When you stop exercising, take your pulse again straight away and write down the number. Then take it again after two minutes, and then again after another two minutes. You should now have four numbers written down. The fourth figure should be very similar to the first.
Share your results with your leader.
This activity counts towards the Cubs Scientist Activity Badge.

Walking Water Experiment
Instruction for this experiment can be found here.
If you don’t have any food colouring, you can try using squash, or just water!
This activity counts towards the Cubs Scientist Activity Badge.

Science Activity 3: Make a molecule
This is a picture of a type of sugar molecule. Using whatever you can find in your kitchen and home, such as grapes, olives, sweets, and cocktail sticks or straws, build a model of this molecule, or find your own pictures of molecules to model.
This activity counts towards the Cubs Scientist Activity Badge.